October’s Facebook update blog comes from your network secretary, Kim. Hopefully Michelle will be available to pick this back up next month.
Articles / Blogs
‘A race to produce the first drug for chronic fatigue syndrome’ is available at: http://www.healthrising.org/blog/2016/10/05/race-produce-drug-chronic-fatigue-syndrome-younger/
‘Matter over mind: The strange case of the ME study’ is available at: http://www.meassociation.org.uk/2016/10/matter-over-mind-the-strange-case-of-the-me-study-wddty-magazine-october-2016/
Dumfries & Galloway Council can provide you with a personalised support plan and individual budget which allows you flexibility and control, read more at: http://www.dumgal.gov.uk/article/15772/Personalisation-and-self-directed-support
A blog on Flu and vaccinations is available at: https://aprescriptionforme.wordpress.com/2016/09/23/flu-and-the-flu-vaccination/
‘Researchers discover brain signature that may help identify fibromyalgia patients’ is available at: http://www.news-medical.net/news/20161017/Researchers-discover-brain-signature-that-may-help-identify-fibromyalgia-patients.aspx
‘Mella Finds Hypometabolic State in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Plus Rituximab and New Drug For ME/CFS?’ is available at: http://www.healthrising.org/forums/threads/mella-finds-hypometabolic-state-in-chronic-fatigue-syndrome-plus-rituximab-and-new-drug-for-me-cfs.5004/
‘The Pridgen Revolution? Dr. Pridgen on Bringing His Antiviral Approach to Fibromyalgia To Market’ is available at: http://simmaronresearch.com/2016/10/pridgen-antiviral-treatment-fibromyaligia/
‘Small Nerve Fiber Study finds different kinds of Fibromyalgia exists’ is available at: http://www.healthrising.org/blog/2016/10/19/small-fiber-neuropathy-fibromyalgia-different-kinds/
‘The real story about chronic fatigue syndrome’ is available at: http://garnetnews.com/2016/10/19/real-story-chronic-fatigue-syndrome/
‘One Gene Many Disorders: Genetic Finding Could Help Explain POTS, EDS, IBS, FM, ME/CFS and Others’ is available at: http://www.healthrising.org/forums/threads/one-gene-many-disorders-genetic-finding-could-help-explain-pots-eds-ibs-fm-me-cfs-and-others.5015/
‘The Thyroid question in Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)’ is available at: http://www.healthrising.org/blog/2016/10/24/thyroid-question-fibromyalgia-chronic-fatigue-syndrome-mecfs/
‘NICE takes a dim view of foreign research into ME/CFS’ is available at: http://www.meassociation.org.uk/2016/10/nice-takes-a-dim-view-of-foreign-work-on-mecfs-robin-ellis-freedom-of-information-request-24-october-2016/
‘Worse than the Disease – A popular therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome made many patients worse’ is available at: http://undark.org/article/chronic-fatigue-graded-exercise-pace/
‘Common cough remedy to be tested as potential Fibromyalgia treatment’ is available at: http://nationalpainreport.com/common-cough-remedy-to-be-tested-as-potential-fibromyalgia-treatment-8831804.html
What have our members been discussing, including support to them
A number of the discussions made this month were topics discussed last month, like vitamin B injections and acupuncture.
Discussions on where to hold a Christmas lunch get together is in full swing.
So that’s it for October, and hello to the clocks changing, dark nights creeping in and Fireworks. Gentle hugs to you all 🙂