As we enter September there is a definite nip in the air. If like me you find your body thermostat is wonky, the start of the cold weather will hit you hard, so try and remember to layer up.
Thank you to all the members who completed our survey which will help us focus our own depleted energies on the things that you have shared matter to you. We really do appreciate the time you put in completing this survey as we understand how difficult completing the simplest of tasks can be.
The 7th September meeting has the theme of Medications and Supplements. Come along and share what works for you. Hopefully we can all learn something new from one-another.
Articles / Blogs
- Blood biomarkers may help diagnose chronic fatigue syndrome, article.
- A link to self-advocacy resources for people with ME was shared.
- Chronic fatigue syndrome in Canada ‘even worse than we thought’ survey news report with video was shared at link.
- Major Stanford Study Indicates Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is Inflammatory Disorder paper shared at link.
- Scientist searches for answer to his son’s devastating condition news report with short video shared at link.
- The UK news report: ‘Why are doctors and patients still at war over M.E.? How the best treatment for the debilitating condition is one of the most bitterly contested areas in medicine’ was shared at link.
- An article explaining about researchers developing a new class of pain relief that acts on an obscure nerve pathway was shared at link.
- Exercise Tests Suggest Autoimmunity Causes the Exertion Problems in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and POTS article.
- Strongest evidence yet for ME/CFS immune activation and hunts for the trigger Facebook article.
- MAIMES (Medical abuse of ME’s) The time has come to end the abuse YouTube video was shared.
- Disabled Teacher Scores Victory Over ME/CFS Discrimination in the U.K.: article.
- To the heart of the issue – new study on two-day CPET in M.E. and MS article.
- The first Community Symposium on the Molecular Basis of ME/CFS article.
Members posts
- The benefits of steroid nandrolone injections, heat and turmeric was discussed for hip pain.
- Waiting times for GP appointments were discussed.
- The benefits of using magnesium flakes which helped a members restless leg and insomnia was shared. The
Please remember if you are interested in helping with the creation of the monthly Facebook blog, please email Kim (Secretary) at: kim@dgmefm.org.uk. 😊. I haven’t had any takers yet 😢
Take care and gentle hugs to you all.