The following is a summary of relevant article/research links provided in February by Facebook members. Links to all the items are included, just click on the article name, word ‘link’ or ‘article’ to open.
Articles / Blogs
- Personal Independence payments: All 1.6 million claims to be reviewed.
- Oscar-nominated film director in ME plea to MSPs.
- BBC Radio Scotland: ME – The Invisible Disease. Brainwaves on ME. A story of confusion, misunderstanding, misdirection, misdiagnosis and misery.
- Lady Gaga halts tour for a second time due to ‘severe pain’.
- Medically Unexplained Symptoms – A Practical Guide.
- Trial By Error: Letter to British Journal of Sports Medicine from CPET Experts.
- Rethinking the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome – A reanalysis and evaluation of findings from a recent major trial of graded exercise and CBT.
- SNP MP secures debate on controversial DWP-funded ME trial. Glasgow MP Carol Monaghan secures parliamentary examination of controversial ME trial.
- The Cortene Way: New Drug to Be Trialed in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Soon.
- Correspondence with Professor Mark Baker – Centre for Guidelines Director, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.
- EpicGenetics’ FM/a Blood Test for Fibromyalgia Is Now Available in Canada.
- Scottish Cannabis Oil Assistance Programme.
- For People With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, More Exercise Isn’t Better.
- People living with M.E and Carers Wanted for Contributions to a Postgraduate Health Psychology Programme at GCU.
- Recommended radio interview on BBC Radio Scotland on issues surrounding ME and the PACE trial. It starts about 36 minutes in.
- Government-funded ME/CFS trial ‘one of greatest medical scandals of 21st century’.
- New funding to support research into causes, diagnosis and treatment of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME).
- New vaccine for fibromyalgia treatment that actually work.
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome cell discovery may hold key to treatment.
Members posts / local support
- The value of having a Specialist nurse / GP / Consultant was discussed.
- The newsletter will be being written soon. Does anyone have anything they’d like included? Does anyone feel able to write something? Memes, jokes, pictures, cartoons, light hearted stories are all welcome too. E-mail: admin@dgmefm.org.uk
- Mindfulness sessions for chronic pain at Georgetown community centre starting March, contact Emily Kennedy on 01387 244517 or Emily.kennedy@ nhs.net for further information or to apply for a place on this free course.
- Fitness bands to monitor sleep etc were discussed.
- Feedback from MSP shared and discussed.
- DG Voice Public Engagement survey.
- Unrest update:
- On Tuesday 2nd February, Chairman Craig Woods attended the Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh for an excerpt showing from Unrest hosted by Ben McPherson MSP and ME Action. Craig shared “14 MSPs attended including Joan McAlpine, Colin Smyth, Emma Harper and Claudia Beamish from our region. The large ME charities were there, plus a scientist. Quite a few sufferers and local group members attended. A question session followed, with the film maker joining in on webcam.”
- There will be a public showing of the critically acclaimed Unrest film in the Robert Burns Film Theatre on Tuesday 15th of May at 7pm. There will be refreshments and a discussion afterwards, hosted by DGMEFM Network, with Dr Shepherd joining by Skype for the discussion. There will be another event aimed at health professionals, politicians and other people, also at the cinema, showing an excerpt of the film, also to be followed by a discussion with Jen Brea joining us by Skype on Friday the 11th.
Take care and gentle hugs to you all Kim J (Web Support), E-mail: kim@dgmefm.org.uk 😊