The following is a summary of relevant article/research links provided in April by Facebook members. Please click on the article name to open and read it.
Articles / Blogs
- The Endless Cycle of Recovery and Relapse in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
- Cellular Immune Function in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS).
- GET and CBT are not safe for ME – Summary of survey results.
- Response to Commentary: ‘Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Chronic Fatigue: Three Distinct Entities Requiring Complete Different Approaches’.
- Do you really believe in ME?
- Evidence of Clinical Pathology Abnormalities in People with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) from an Analytic Cross-Sectional Study.
- Medscape: New Findings Elucidate Potentially Treatable Aspects of ME/CFS | 11 April 2019.
- Medically Unexplained Symptoms (MUS): Faults and Implications.
- Trial By Error: Crowdfunding, Week 2; and more Sharpe and Chalder.
- Advances in ME/CFS: Past, Present, and Future.
- What Doctors Don’t Tell You: ME – A POLIO BY ANOTHER NAME.
- Belle & Sebastian frontman Stuart Murdoch on ME battle.
- Something in the blood.
- Truth denied: the “scandal of ME Denial”.
- ME service to be implemented this year.
- Teen housebound by ME threatened with fine by school for being ‘truant’ – now benefits assessor says she’s not in enough pain.
- The ‘cognitive behavioural model’ of chronic fatigue syndrome: Critique of a flawed model.
- ME Research Summary: Something In The Blood by Simon McGrath | 27 April 2019.
- You don’t look sick.
- My life through a lens: Presenter Dame Esther Rantzen, 78, shares the stories behind her favourite snaps.
- Test can spot whether you have chronic fatigue syndrome, Stanford and UC scientists say.
- Woman, 28, goes from keen runner to year in dark room because of severe disorder.
- Trial By Error: My Follow-Up Letter to Reuters.
- Blood test for chronic fatigue syndrome could speed diagnosis, study says.
Members posts / local support discussions
- Dumfries & Galloway Integrated Service Newsletter April – June 2019 available
- Bursitis
- Acupuncture
- New Facebook virtual service for those who feel isolated and lonely, available at www.facebook.com/friendlyaccessiblenetworkdg
- M.E. Show Podcast recommended.
Take care and gentle hugs to you all Kim J (Web Support), E-mail: kim@dgmefm.org.uk😊.