Craig Woods – Castle Loch, Lochmaben
John Bell – Site of Original Dumfries College, Heathhall
Paul Thompson – Dalbeattie Forest.
Well, here we are once again, about to start another year and a new decade. We can only wonder what the future holds for all us ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia sufferers. With so many studies going on, I wonder how far we will get in the next decade to better understand both conditions.
The Christmas Lunch at Mabie House Hotel was well attended. The meal and the surroundings were greatly appreciated by all and added that bit of extra xmas cheer.
Would appreciate comments on what you would like added to the Blog. Last month was a festive question this month it`s local wintry scenes given by permission of the individuals. If you have something you would like shown on the Blog please get in touch.
Dates for your diary:
9th January: Pop-up meeting at Garden Wise Coffee Shop. (Castle Douglas Road, Dumfries DG2 8PP) Meeting at 1.00 pm. Informal get together to recover from the stresses of Christmas and New Year.
24th January: Fibro My Arth ! comedy show at Theatre Royal Dumfries. (66-68 Shakespeare Street, Dumfries DG1 2JH) Tickets are available from the Theatre Royal`s own box office. See December news letter for further details and discount code for members.
6 February: February group meeting will host Emma Munro from our local Citizens Advice Service. She will update us on the current situation with benefits.
Articles / Blogs:
The following is a summary of relevant article / research links provided in December by Facebook members. Please click on the article name to open and read it.
Fibromyalgia? Homeopathy Can Help
Dialogues for a Neglected illness
Has the Reptillian Brain gone haywire
The Future Fibromyalgia Drugs ?
Poor Oxygen Extraction – ME/CFS
Study Finds Differences In Energy
A Drug Free Idea to Relieve Chronic Pain
ME/CFS linked to Immune Cell Changes
Why Working Out Doesn`t Work (Video)
FDA Warns of Problems with Gabapentin
Study Finds Intracranial Hypertension Common in ME/CFS
Scottish Government Public Petitions look at PACE Trial (Video)
Naltrexone Restores Impaired Receptor
CFS sufferer considered euthanasia after lack of NHS help
Get Involved – The ME/CFS Biomedical Partnership
Members Posts / Local Support Discussions:
Accessible Chair Yoga Class by Jill Dobbie – see Facebook Page for more details.
Accessible Dumfries and Galloway – New Facebook page for local people to discuss accessibility issues within Dumfries and Galloway.
The Answer to Last months question was: Slade, Merry Xmas Everybody 1980
The committee would like to wish all members, family and friends a HAPPY NEW YEAR !