Two Birth Flowers and Birth stones this month.
Well what can I say, that’s another month away with very little change from the last 3, lets hope that the month of July starts to bring some return to normal life.
As you may know there has been a lot said about CBD Oil helping with the symptoms of ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia. I’m writing here about my personal experience and not on behalf of DGMEFM Network.
I’ve been thinking for a long time about taking CBD in some form. The decision regarding what brand to go for and what product has been a minefield. To be honest I was not keen on taking drops from a bottle or using a vaping oil and ePEN as I have never been a smoker.
I was told about coffee infused with CBD and decided to give it a try. I have nearly finished the first bag and must admit I do enjoy my first mug in the morning. Now I’ve never been a coffee snob but I do like the Colombian blend. I noticed early on even after the first mug that you chilled out a bit more and relaxed, which in turn does ease things but the pain doesn’t miraculously disappear for me but everyone is different. I have my coffee at breakfast and if need be I’ll take one in the afternoon depending on how I’m feeling. I have now also tried the drops after experiencing the coffee. I take 2 drops under the tongue just before bed and I must admit I’m getting a far better and deeper sleep. If anyone is interested send me a wee message through the Facebook Messenger or Group page and I can give you code which will give you 25% discount to the brand I use.
I am really happy with how it helps me on a daily basis, but results can be different for each person. My doctor recommended early on in my diagnosis to have a look into the benefits of CBD. If unsure always seek medical advice. I’ve been on the coffee almost 3 weeks now and will keep you posted on how it goes over the next few months.
SCAM ALERT – Test and Trace guidance
Food Train – Extra Home Support
Mental Health & Wellbeing & Coronavirus
Until further notice we are holding a virtual meeting every Thursday from 2pm. Contact us through Facebook if you require any assistance on setting up a zoom link.
July 2nd : Zoom get together with Dr Shepherd, ME Association
July 23rd: Zoom get together with Emma Harper MSP
Extra payment for carers to help through coronavirus
Coronavirus: Ibuprofen tested as a treatment
Coronavirus (COVID-19): shielding – a way forward for Scotland
Why Do Some Recover From COVID-19 Quickly, While Others Seem Likely To Face Long-Term Disability?
Narrowed Small Blood Vessels Linked to Fatigue in ME/CFS
Covid-19 Community Resilience Needs Assessment by DGEP
Dr. Mark Van Ness, “Expanding Physical Capability in ME/CFS” Part 1 (of 2) – YouTube video
Golden Girls Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Dorothy Confronts Dr. Budd
Coronavirus: where to buy face masks and how to make your own.
The Great Split? Are Post-Infectious ME/CFS Patients Fundamentally Different?
Face masks highly effective against Covid-19, new evidence suggests
I had the coronavirus months ago but I’m still too ill to work… or even watch TV’
Fears over thousands of ‘long haul’ Covid-19 sufferers
Open Medicine Foundation – M.E Resolution
UK spends £3 million on the world’s biggest ME/CFS study
A Blood Test for Low Energy Production? Intensive Exercise Study Provides New Insights
Join us to help create the world’s biggest study of the causes of ME/CFS
Chronic fatigue syndrome: ‘It felt like I’d been in a car crash’
UK to launch world’s largest genetic study into chronic fatigue syndrome
Chronic fatigue syndrome sufferers hope for breakthrough as they fight for recognition
Trial By Error: UK Funds Genetics Project; My Letter to CODES Investigators
Now usually we would have some memes, jokes or other stuff posted by members just to raise a wee smile. Only had the one this month. For the July blog can you please send something in that will raise a smile. How about something you have done during lockdown, a new hobby or craft project you have just finished. We would love to see what you have been doing. With the help and enthusiasm of two fellow members I have rediscovered the joy of art and craft. For the first time since leaving school I’ve got my art mojo back. I’m having a ball making cards for all occassions. So for next month lets all post photos of what we have been doing. If you have a skill or interest that you would like to share within the group please get in touch. We are always on the look out for new things. Don’t worry we wont kidnap you for the committee. We would love to see a new pair of hands helping in any way they can.
Well that’s it again for another month. Take it easy and stay safe. XXX