We will hold our AGM on Thursday, 7th October at 2pm online by Zoom.
If you, or someone you know, may be interested in joining the Committee, whether existing or new member, friend, partner, or family member, please let us know before the AGM if possible. We want to strengthen the capacity of our committee and also include supporters who are themselves well, but can appreciate our lived experience of ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia.
At this year’s AGM, one of the matters we will be voting on relates to whether or not we would like to change our status to become a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO). Now that we have been successful in securing some larger pots of grant funding, it may well be the natural next step for the organisation as it would provide a greater degree of security for both our Trustees and any staff we take on. Please join us at the meeting to hear the discussion and share any thoughts you might have.
You can join us by downloading ‘Zoom Cloud Meetings’ on your smart phone or tablet, or go to www.zoom.us on your computer.
Enter this info: – Meeting id: 843 5695 7034, Passcode: 2021