For those of you who don’t use Facebook. Below is a list of the external links shared within our Facebook Group during April:
FIBROMYALGIA; information for newbies
The list of Covid symptoms has been expanded – here are the 9 new signs of illness
My Hiatus Hernia and Healthy Eating Change by DGMEFM Network Member
4 Great exercises for fibromyalgia
RESEARCH | We’ve been asked to share this study by Aaron Libby from Bournemouth University on sleep quality in females with fibromyalgia. Participants must also be over 18, have been diagnosed with fibro and have read the participant form.
If you have any questions on the study or want to get involved, contact Aaron at s5202220@bournemouth.ac.uk
The survey can be found at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/WS9PTYZ and the participant form can be found at: https://cdn.flowcode.com/prodassets/Participant_Information_Sheet_EFv8D4m.pdf?ts=1648392093150461358&fbclid=IwAR0JLvJoBZMrs22HA_JmHAywOBtSbH3v9srmnwRFezLtUOe-0A254vmq4FM
Reactive Hypoglycemia
Research: Diagnostic test could offer new hope for ME/CFS patients
Support to access benefits if you are disabled
drmartinaziegenbein on TikTok
DGMEFM Network – Online Learning Event – 12th May
Trial By Error: Now a Scottish Long Covid Study Fails to Mention the Risk of Post-Exertional Malaise
From the MEA Newsletter:
‘Over the last few years Dr Charles Shepherd and other ME/CFS experts have been giving answers to questions from MEA members about a wide range of health issues and these have been published in the ME Essential magazine.
We have now collected this valuable question and answer resource into a searchable archive on the website. This allows anyone to find information on a variety of health issues relevant for people with ME/CFS.’