New Board members needed…
Over the last 18 months we’ve grown quite considerably. We now have a member of staff (Kalpana – befriending and peer mentoring project officer) and a freelance team member (Eppie – business, admin and management support). We have received funding from a wide variety of sources that is now allowing us to deliver more than we ever have before.
All of this growth, however, means we need more help. We are able to have 12 Trustees on our Board and currently we have 4. The more Board members we have, the more representative it will be of our members’ needs and the more spread out the mental workload of decision-making will be.
We need Board members who are able to attend four Board meetings per year, plus the AGM.
They will also need to respond to emails periodically throughout the year when decisions need to be made in between meetings. There are also opportunities to join sub committees (Communications or Audit and Risk), should you be interested in either of those specific areas of work.
With the conditions of our members, we know it can be hard to take on anything new, so please do not feel any pressure to put your hand up. However, if you, or anyone you know, is interested in joining the Board, please contact Eileen Sangye Longworth by email: eml@dgmefm.org.uk.
You don’t need to have one of the conditions to be welcome on the Board!