For those of you who don’t use Facebook, below is a list of the external links shared within our Facebook Group during September:
Change.org petition – Cochrane: Withdraw the harmful 2019 Exercise Therapy for CFS review
Hypersensitivity to noise and sound are common symptoms of ME/CFS, but could they be used to differentiate ME/CFS from other conditions such as MS?
Recently, ME Research UK covered a systematic review which compared post-treatment Lyme disease (PTLDS) with ME/CFS
Easy-read versions of the DHSC’s ME/CFS Interim Delivery Plan and Consultation are now available
ME Research UK is delighted to announce funding awarded to Prof. Janet Taylor and colleagues at Edith Cowan University for a new project investigating spinal nerve function in ME/CFS
Fibromyalgia researchers say discovery could change treatment of chronic pain
BBC Morning Live featured a piece on fibromyalgia. Dr Punam spoke about the condition; how it affects people, the difficulty in diagnosis and treatment options
ME Research UK have published an article on building a brighter research future – step by step…
Branching Out is an outdoor nature based programme of activities for any adult 18+ who use mental health, alcohol and drugs services or have a long term health condition in Dumfries and Galloway.
The ME Association is highlighting a webinar to be held on 11th November at 1pm. The topic is ‘Long Covid Misconceptions with Dr Charles Shepherd and People with Lived Experience’