For those of you who don’t use Facebook, below is a list of the external links shared within our Facebook Group during August:
Why We Sleep (and What Happens When We Don’t)
No one can do it alone: living with an invisible, misunderstood condition
**TW: Upsetting Content** Good Morning Britain: Richard Madeley and Trish Goddard interviews Sarah Boothby, Maeve’s mum, and Dr Charles Shepherd, Honorary Medical Adviser to the ME Association on the early morning broadcast.
Starts at around 1.04.30 https://www.itv.com/watch/good-morning-britain/2a3211
Labour government commits to publishing the final delivery plan on ME/CFS
Study Finds Fatigued ME/CFS Brains Unable to Adapt to Cognitive Stress
A dopamine menu can make your days more joyful – a neuroscientist shares how to create yours
Dr Shepherd talking about overlaps between Long Covid and ME/CFS in a video aimed at healthcare professionals:
The curious incident of the author who couldn’t read or write: Mark Haddon on long Covid and overcoming five years of brain fog
Tonix’s trial results showing promise in fibromyalgia treatment
BBC Breakfast ME/CFS and Long Covid