For those of you who don’t use Facebook, below is a list of the external links shared within our Facebook Group during November:
Damaged Mitochondria – the Original Sin? The Recent Mitochondrial ME/CFS Studies
Warm home discount scheme
Pathmaker community
Citizens advice bureau
Emma from Citizens’ Advice gave us another two links at this November’s meeting that could be very useful:
One is for pensions advice: https://www.moneyhelper.org.uk/…/pensio…/pension-wise…
And the other is Help to Claim Universal Credit: https://www.cas.org.uk/helptoclaim
Benefits and work guides
Purpl disabled discounts
Why more nurses are needed in ME and long Covid services
Cold Hands & Feet (Incl. Raynaud’s Phenomenon) booklet from The ME Association
MSE’s Cheap Energy Club comparison
Key STEPS That Brought Susanna Back (From Severe ME/CFS & Long Covid)
Why Cold Exposure May Help with ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia and Long COVID