Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on 6th October 2016 at the start of the monthly get together meeting starting 1pm at the Midsteeple, Dumfries.
All welcome.
Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on 6th October 2016 at the start of the monthly get together meeting starting 1pm at the Midsteeple, Dumfries.
All welcome.
Hopefully everyone is enjoying the weather we have been having, even the few bad days we have had. Summer is quickly passing by and the nights are slowly drawing darker. I myself am getting ready to head to the sun for 2 weeks so someone else will write September’s blog. …
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Well July 2016 has been a busy month for the members of the group. There has been a wide range of topics and comments to ask for help or to give advice to one another. Even pictures to have a giggle.
Articles / Blogs
‘The Exercise Intolerance in POTS, ME/CFS …
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Hello, my name is Michelle Mungin and I have agreed to write a monthly blog for the DGMEFM Network based on the current topics being discussed on Facebook (don’t worry it will be anonymised as I am not the only one making posts on Facebook). As a means of an …
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Free memberships available for audiobook library service
Listening Books is a national charity that provides a postal and online audiobook library service to children and adults who struggle to read or hold a book due to an illness, disability, mental health issue or learning difficulty, and they have recently received …
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We hope you like our new newsletter, check it out:
May brings Awareness week for ME and fibromyalgia.
Come along to our next monthly meeting on 5th May, 1pm to 3pm and get a blue ribbon to wear on 12th May. Blue clothing encouraged!
Karen Pirrie from Capability Scotland will be at the meeting from 2pm to talk to us …
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The Dumfries & Galloway ME and Fibromyalgia Network is a charity registered in Scotland (No. SC030641) in support of people in Dumfries & Galloway, Scotland, who suffer with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), Fibromyalgia (FM) & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).
The Network shall seek to: