For those of you who haven’t yet come across Care Opinion, it’s a handy resource to allow you to provide feedback on health and care services.
Your feedback is sent directly to the relevant head of service and you should receive a direct response.
For those of you who haven’t yet come across Care Opinion, it’s a handy resource to allow you to provide feedback on health and care services.
Your feedback is sent directly to the relevant head of service and you should receive a direct response.
Many DGMEFM Members have lived experiences of Self Managing their Chronic Pain
Chronic pain impacts more than just the body. We know that for people living with pain, raising concerns about wider aspects of health in appointments with their health-care professional is not always easy and their concerns and worries do …
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For those of you who don’t use Facebook. Below is a list of the external links shared within our Facebook Group during December (just click on heading for link):
This month has been an absolute scorcher across our region until the social distancing restrictions were lifted… then we got overnight frost, snow, and rain. Typical! Most of our members have been enjoying the weather, either basking in the warmth or getting a bit of gardening done. I had some …
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I’ll start with the Committee’s many thanks to John Bell for all his work and his interesting, informative and entertaining blogs on our behalf. He has needed to step down, so Eileen and Annie will take over the Blog and bring their extra flavour to it along with our usual …
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John is taking a break this month so the March blog won’t have his usual flair……….
………but here are some of the issues discussed and links posted on our Facebook pages this last month.
Hopefully John will be back soon. Take care and stay safe 💜
Local Group News: …
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Local Group News:
The Network has been successful in our grant application to Foundation Scotland @FoundationScot for 6 months funding given for covid resilience. This has given us the funds to contract Senga Armstrong as a self-employed development officer part-time to help us widen awareness of the Network and build …
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The Committee would like to wish friends,family and members a HAPPY NEW YEAR and lets hope 2021 will be a better year !!
Local Group News:
The Network has been successful in our grant application to Foundation Scotland @FoundationScot for 6 months funding given for covid resilience. This is going …
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December Birth Flower:
December Birth Stone:
Local Group News:
The Christmas Elves are working morning, noon and night to get the December Newsletter finished in time and ready for posting. So please keep an eye out for it.
Cannacares CBD products.
In the last Blog I did say that would …
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November Birth Flower:
November Birth Stone:
Local Group News:
Don’t panic that you’ve missed the month of October. We have decided that the blog should match the month it’s posted in. Just like your favourite magazine.
It’s sad to think that we’re heading into another lockdown situation to try and …
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